Fitness, Running

My Fitness Schedule | Winter + Spring 2018


I’ve gotten a lot of questions about how I’m managing to juggle the BBG workouts and running so today I thought I’d share my current fitness schedule with you!

First, a few things to keep in mind:

  • I’m currently training for a half marathon and my running program has me running 4 times a week.
  • Although I do follow the BBG resistance workouts, I don’t do them in the order prescribed by the app and I don’t do all the prescribed LISS workouts since I’m running so much.
  • I tried different options for balancing both running and BBG over the last few months and this is what is working well for me right now.
My Current Fitness Schedule
Photo Credit: Monique Lockwood

Monday: BBG Full Body Workout and/or BBG Challenge

When the schedule calls for a full body workout, it’s towards the end of the week but I was finding that doing a full body workout that late in the week was leaving me really tired and it was affecting my end of the week runs. I ended up switching the full body workout to Monday (when I have the most energy for such a hard workout) and it’s been working out great for me!

Tuesday: Running

When Tuesday rolls around, I haven’t run since the previous Saturday so my legs are feeling good. This is the day when I do intervals for my speed workouts so. This is my hardest run of the week.

Wednesday: BBG Legs Workout and Running

I tire my legs out on Wednesdays during the BBG Legs workout so this day is perfect for my “easy” runs.

Thursday: LISS

For LISS (Low Impact Steady State) I’ve been doing the elliptical or cycling.

Friday: BBG Arms & Abs Workout and Running

I’ve been doubling up on workouts on Fridays by doing both arms and abs and it works out great because I can save my leg strength for my Friday and Saturday runs. Friday runs are “easy” runs.

Saturday: Running

Saturdays are for long runs, unless I have a wedding. If we’re shooting a wedding on Saturday then I’m moving the long run to Friday. There is one weekend this month when we’re shooting weddings on both Friday and Saturday so that week I plan to do my long run on the Thursday before or on Sunday depending on how I’m feeling that week.

Sunday: Rest

I work so hard during the week that I’m not ashamed to say that Sundays are for sitting on the couch, catching up on reading my favorite blogs, meal planning, relaxing, and family time in the afternoon or evening. Once June hits, we have weddings every weekend until mid-September so yeah, Sundays are for rest!

I hope this post is helpful to you! I think the most important takeaway is for you to know that only you can decide what is right for you and your body. If something doesn’t feel right, listen to your body and make changes to your schedule to accommodate your strength and energy level.

Feel free to leave your questions in the comments below!

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