Inspiration, Running

A New Medal, a Free Banana, and a Happy Me


Not sure what makes me happier at the finish: a new medal or a free banana? 😀 Actually, what made me the happiest on this day was knowing that finishing this race was a result of finally making my fitness a priority. Over the last few years I had made so many excuses that kept me from running and going to the gym. Mainly, I felt that if I was going to leave (or had just left) my teaching job, that I had to be working on our business all the time. But guess what? I finally realized that our business isn’t going to fall apart or stop growing just because I went for a run that day. I’m actually a better business owner when I’ve got a clear head and a fresh perspective. It hasn’t been easy to find balance over the last few years but I’m finally getting there and it’s such a good place to be. Are you struggling to make yourself a priority? I’d love to encourage you to make a commitment to yourself today. Commit to focusing on a better and healthier you and everything else will fall into place. We only get one life to live; let’s make sure we’re living it as the best and healthiest version of ourselves. Who’s with me?

Photo Credit: MarathonFoto

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